NYCU College of Life Sciences


Vice Dean for education affairs

Vice Dean Chao-Hsiung Lin


1. Supervise the teaching quality and integration of the Institute
2. Supervise the energy saving work of the institute
3. Director of New Program Preparation


National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Genomic Sciences


National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Interdisciplinary Master Program of Molecular Medicine


Brief Experience

Served in National Yang Ming University
College of Life Sciences

Agent Dean

Served in National Yang Ming University
Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Genomic Sciences


Served in National Yang Ming University
Interdisciplinary Program for Undergraduates 



2021~2022 Reward for outstanding teaching and research personnel

2019~2020 Faculty Awards for Academic Excellence

2021 Teacher Award for Excellence in Teaching

2008 Teacher Award for Excellence in Teaching

Areas of Expertise

Mass Spectrometer Analysis for Somatic Studies and Chemical Biology

Research Direction

Functional study of cancer cell-related proteins

Exploration of the mechanism of action of longevity genes

Development of aging indicator molecules using human blood metabolites

Molecular pharmacological mechanism of anticancer natural substance andrographolide