Location |
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Yangming Campus) |
Sales instructions |
Each painting has a minimum donation price of 10,000 NTD. Funds raised will be used for scholarships to support students from our institute attending international conferences. Artworks will be delivered to buyers after the exhibition period. |
How to donate and buy paintings |
1. Please contact Ms. Yang of the college to confirm the works you want to purchase |
【Artist Profile】 Yang, Shu-zhen, former Chief Accountant at National Hualien University of Education, has a passion for calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. After retiring, she studied calligraphy and painting under three teachers: Li Xiuhua, Lai Shih-hao, and Yen Wen-tang. She also serves as a volunteer calligrapher for Tzu Chi Foundation in Hualien. |
Exhibited Works:
作品名稱 | 畫作 |
作品1: 書:杜牧山行詩一首 畫:婺源古鎮秋景 畫心70 x 97公分 彩墨/宣紙/立軸 書:2023 / 畫:2020 | |
作品2: 書:幾處白雲峰畔鎖 蒼松臨壑欲成龍 畫:峻嶺青松 畫心70 x 97公分 彩墨/宣紙/立軸 2019 | |
作品3:太魯閣砂卡礑 畫心68 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2022 | |
作品4:溪山青遠 畫心68 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2020 | |
作品5:日本清水寺 畫心68 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2020 | |
作品6:紫藤與八哥 畫心34 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2022 | |
作品7:石斛蘭 畫心34 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2017 | |
作品8:馬茶花 畫心34 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2023 | |
作品9:雪中紅梅 畫心34 x 70公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2014 | |
作品10:山花 畫心直徑33公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2021 | |
作品11:李叔同憶兒時詞一首 畫心直徑33公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2020 | |
作品12:葡萄藤 畫心46 x 35公分 彩墨/宣紙/鏡框 2017 |