Course unit: College of Life Sciences
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
133600 | LSSL30008 | 生命科學院-生物醫學講座 Special lectures on biomedicine | W78- Meeting room No.3 of Auditorium and Activity Center[YM] | 1 | 2 | 連正章 Cheng-Chang Lien | 必修 Required | 1. Courses are taught entirely in English. 2. This course is primarily limited to students of the College of Life Science at our university, including undergraduate students, and students of the Graduate Institute of Biopharmaceutical Sciences at the College of Pharmacy. Other students who wish to take the course must obtain approval from our college. 3. Inter-school course selection is not available. |
Course unit: Institute of Neuroscience
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
142400 | LSNS30025 | 神經科學專題討論(博) Seminar | R78- YL837[YM] | 1 | 2 | 林士傑、連正章、何淑君、陳摘文、林貝容 Shih-Chieh Lin, Cheng-Chang Lien, Margaret S. Ho, Tsai-Wen Chen, Bei-Jung Lin | 選修 Elective | |
132702 | LSNS30047 | 認知神經科學專題討論(碩、博) Seminar | T67- | 1 | 2 | 張立鴻、吳仕煒、郭文瑞、鄭雅薇、林慶波 Li-Hung Chang, Shih-Wei Wu, Wen-Jui Kuo, Ya-Wei Cheng, Ching-Po Lin | 選修 | 開放大學部學生修讀,開放非中文母語使用者選修。上課地點暫定為第一活動中心第一會議室,TA會提早寫信通知修課學生上課地點。 |
132703 | LSNS30008 | 數理統計 Mathematical statistics | T34-YL839[YM] | 2 | 2 | 吳仕煒 Shih-Wei Wu | 必修 Required | 開放大學部學生修讀。 |
132706 | LSNS30036 | 神經科學資料分析 Data Analysis in Neuroscience | W34-YL839[YM] | 2 | 2 | 陳俊仲 Chun-Chung Chen | 選修 Elective | 開放大學部學生修讀 |
132708 | LSNS30067 | 決策與大腦 Decision making and the brain | M56-EE129[GF], M56-YL824[YM] | 2 | 2 | 吳仕煒 Shih-Wei Wu | 選修 Elective | 跨校區選課。全英語授課課程。開放大學部學生修讀。授課方式:視訊同步遠距。陽明校區:圖資大樓824;交大校區:工五129遠距教室。開課老師每週會至不同校區實體上課,另一校區則視訊上課,詳情於E3公告。 |
132709 | LSNS30068 | 功能性磁振造影分析 fMRI data analysis | W34-CS100[GF], W34-YL824[YM] | 2 | 2 | 吳仕煒 Shih-Wei Wu | 選修 Elective | 開放大學部學生修讀。授課方式:視訊同步遠距。陽明校區:圖資大樓824;交大校區:工五129遠距教室。 |
132710 | LSNS30017 | 神經生理學 Neurophysiology | T56-YL839[YM] | 2 | 2 | 連正章、林士傑、鄭菡若 Cheng-Chang Lien, Shih-Chieh Lin, Irene Han-Juo Cheng | 選修 Elective | 可隨班附讀。開放大學部學生修讀。 |
132711 | LSNS30043 | 腦功能連結分析 Advanced brain connectivity analysis | M567-YL823[YM] | 3 | 3 | 郭文瑞、尼大衛 Wen-Jui Kuo, David Niddam | 選修 Elective | 開放大學部學生修讀。 |
Course unit: Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Genomic Sciences
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
112517 | LSLS20046 | 生醫研究特論 Current topics in biomedical research | M56-YK104[YM] | 1 | 1 | 陳儀聰、李曉暉 Yei-Tsung Chen, Hsiao-Hui Lee | 選修 Elective | |
112518 | LSLS10038 | 有機化學 英語版 Organic Chemistry in English | T789-YK100[YM] | 3 | 3 | 林照雄 Chao-Hsiung Lin | 選修 Elective | |
133001 | LSGS20001 | 表觀遺傳學概論Epigenetics and chromatin | R78-YL403[YM] | 1 | 1 | 李敏嘉 Ming-Chia Lee | 選修 Elective | |
133005 | LSGS30017 | 生物統計學 Introduction to Biostatistics | T78-YT202[YM] | 2 | 2 | 可文亞 Wen-Ya Ko | 必修 Required | |
133025 | LSGS30005 | 基礎英文科學寫作 Basic Scientific Writing in English | R56-YK101[YM] | 1 | 1 | 柯比 KIRBY RALPH | 選修 Elective | |
133007 | LSGS30037 | 進階英文科學寫作(A) Advanced Scientific Writing in English (A) | T78-YK104[YM] | 1 | 1 | 柯比 KIRBY RALPH | 必修 Required | To maintain teaching quality, the course is limited to 7 graduate students, with classes held for the first nine weeks, each lasting two hours, and the course concluding ahead of schedule. |
133008 | LSGS30038 | 進階英文科學寫作(B) Advanced Scientific Writing in English (B) | W56-YK104[YM] | 1 | 1 | 柯比 KIRBY RALPH | 必修 Required | To maintain teaching quality, the course is limited to 7 graduate students, with classes held for the first nine weeks, each lasting two hours, and the course concluding ahead of schedule. |
133017 | LSGS30011 | 幹細胞與再生 Stem Cells and Regeneration | R56-YL735[YM] | 2 | 2 | 俞震亞 Jenn-Yah Yu | 選修 Elective | |
133021 | LSGS30018 | 生物統計學實習與R語言的運用 Biostatistics in Practice using R Language | T9-YT202[YM] | 1 | 1 | 可文亞 Wen-Ya Ko | 選修 Elective | |
133022 | LSGS30047 | 演化遺傳學與醫學 Evolutionary Genetics and Medicine | M56-YK101[YM] | 2 | 2 | 可文亞、王弘毅 Wen-Ya Ko, Hurng-Yi Wang | 選修 Elective |
Course unit: Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
132906 | LSBM30037 | 老化生物學 The Biology of Aging | M56-YC501[YM] | 2 | 2 | 許翺麟 Ao-Lin Hsu | 必修 Required | 開放大學部選課, 限大三以上 |
Course unit: Institute of Microbiology and Immunology
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
132811 | LSMI30033 | 病毒學(全英語) Virology (in English) | R56-YC313[YM | 2 | 2 | 蔡明翰、張佩靖 Ming-Han Tsai, Pei-Ching Chang | 必修 Required | |
132816 | LSMI30073 | 表觀基因體學與人類疾病 (全英語) Epigenomics and Human Diseases (in English) | F56-YC302[YM] | 2 | 2 | 張佩靖 Pei-Ching Chang | 選修 Elective |
Course unit: Institute of Biomedical Informatics
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
131014 | MDBI30014 | 微菌叢與人類疾病 Microbiota and Human Diseases | T56-YR101[YM] | 2 | 2 | 吳俊穎、黃雪莉、鄭浩民、廖曉偉、高正彥、陳怡如、曾景鴻 | 選修 Elective | |
131016 | MDBI30058 | 醫學決策支援及專家系統 | T78-YR104[YM] | 2 | 2 | 張博論 | 選修 Elective |
Course unit: Program in Molecular Medicine
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
142800 | LSMM30017 | 研究生職涯發展 Professional Developments for a Graduate Students | R56- 中央研究院 分生所123教室 | 2 | 2 | 分子醫學學程 | 選修 Elective | 全英語授課課程,與國際研究生合班上課。 |
142805 | LSMM30027 | 分子與細胞生物科技 Molecular & Cellular Approaches to Biotechnologies | M56- 中央研究院 農生大樓A236教室 | 2 | 2 | 蕭培文 | 選修 Elective | 全英語授課課程,與國際研究生合班上課。上課時間:週一14:00-16:00。 |
142807 | LSMM30018 | 神經生物學特論 Special Topics in Neurobiology | F34- 中央研究院生醫所8樓TIGP教室 | 2 | 2 | 分子醫學學程 | 選修 Elective | 授課教師:楊世斌。全英語授課課程,與國際研究生合班上課 |
142808 | LSMM30008 | 分子醫學研究法 Experimental Approaches in Molecular Medicine | T56- 中央研究院生醫所8樓TIGP教室 | 2 | 2 | 李家偉 | 選修 Elective | 全英語授課課程,與國際研究生合班上課 |
142811 | LSMM30013 | 微生物學特論 Advanced Microbiology | T78- 中研院農生大樓A236教室 | 3 | 3 | 分子醫學學程 | 選修 Elective | 授課教師:郭志鴻 |
142812 | LSMM30028 | 新藥研發 New Drug Research and Development | R34- 國立臺灣大學醫學院基礎醫學大學ROOM 1105 | 2 | 2 | 分子醫學學程 | 選修 Elective | 授課教師:林泰元 |
Course unit: Taiwan International Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience
Course no | Permanent Course ID | Course Name | Class Time/Room [Code definition] | credit | hours | Lecturers | Type | memo |
142902 | LSNS30035 | 神經科學的論文寫作及表達 Neuroscience thesis writing and presentation | M56- | 2 | 2 | 簡正鼎 | 選修 Elective | |
142903 | LSNS30056 | 遺傳性與退化性神經疾病-從醫生角度出發 Hereditary and degenerative neurologic disease-from medical doctors’ perspective | 2 | 2 | 簡正鼎 | 選修 Elective | ||
142904 | LSNS30021 | 神經影像技術 Neuroimaging Technique | 3 | 3 | 蔡金吾 | 選修 Elective | 修課前請務必聯繫開課單位 | |
142905 | LSMM30018 | 神經生物學特論 Special Topics in Neurobiology | 林天南、李怡萱、陳儀莊、陳俊安 | 選修 Elective | 全英語授課課程,與TIGP國際研究生共同上課。上課地點:中央研究院生醫所8樓TIGP教室 |